September 2020 Newsletter

As September slips by it brings the second of the “Re-Imagining Rural” programs on Tuesday, September 29th.  These virtual gatherings feature national experts sharing innovative yet practical ideas for improving rural communities.  Our first program included 20 Broadus community members who engaged with a presentation by Ben Winchester, who shared some fascinating research and statistics related to the challenges of recruiting community leaders, welcoming newcomers and countering the negative perceptions that are common for rural communities.  

If you missed the first one, join us for the second and help us as we discover some positive ideas to re-energize and re-focus on a bright future for Broadus!  The next event is scheduled for 6-8 p.m. on September 29th at the Broadus Community Center.  The presentation by Becky McCray and Deb Brown (Save Your Town) will share practical, inexpensive and specific ways to improve small-towns using existing resources.   Join us for a free supper any time after 5:30pm. Please RSVP for catering by emailing and check out our Facebook event page for more information and links to the first presentation material!

The Local Candidate Forum is scheduled for 6:30pm on Tuesday, October 6th. Dave Gardner will moderate discussions with the two candidates running for Powder River Co Commissioner, Rod Schaffer and John Olson. This event will not be open to the public, but will be broadcast live on our Facebook page.  Go to and look for the Candidate Forum event page.  Video feed will also be available after the event on our website.

If there are specific topics or questions you would like to address with the candidates, we invite you to submit them in advance on the event page or via email. Live questions will also be taken following the prepared program. Please be respectful and courteous and take this opportunity to learn about our local county candidates.

Marni Gaskill